We got our calves today! Going to the farm to pick them up was a bit disconcerting. Why didn't anyone tell me calves got big?! I don't mean big, I mean BIG honkin' BIG. Ok, maybe I was warned but I didn't know you were serious.
At least for now they are cute. I felt awful taking a baby away from it's mommy. Only one of them had a really hard time about it. He's still sulking, poor guy.
Seriously, is that not the saddest little cow face you've seen? I want to go give him a hug now. This little guy isn't so little. He was born on the 24th (making him 3 days old!!!) and weighs at least 100lbs. He was the biggest calf out there and about twice the size as our heifer.
And here is my girl.
Love that sweet white face! We are contemplating keeping her as a mommy cow, breeding her so we have a new calf to raise every year. She's not a dairy cow so no milk for us :-(
A#1 is trying to make them feel better. They like getting scratched on the back.
We're working on A#4 saying, "Mooo!" No go yet. He still likes to be part of the action.
Tonight after James gets home, we'll give them their first bottles. Since I'm a bit of a lactivist (breastfeeding advocate), it seems sooooo incredibly wrong. I am a bad person.
You should let his horns grow out! With his color and all he'll look awesome!
Posted by: josh | 04/27/2011 at 08:12 PM
Um no. I dont want to die. Haha!
Posted by: Melanie Hoffman | 04/27/2011 at 10:24 PM