I don't know why, but we have been so busy lately. I'm not used to this. I'd enjoy it more if I didn't have gas prices in the back of my mind. Between church Taekwondo, play dates, birthday parties and just general errand running, that's a lot of driving. I figure it costs about $7 just to drive into town and back and that's being conservative. So if we go into town 4 times in a week, that's $28. Multiply that by 4 and that about $112 a month. I could buy a lot of yarn with $112.
Oh well, the boys seem to enjoy this new busy life. One of my biggest problems with homeschooling is socializing them. Being a natural hermit myself, it takes extra effort to get them out. This week looks just as busy as the last 2. So far we have in town plans 4 days this week.
I've still found time to do some of my goofy stuff. I've been "canning" the very old fashioned way. It's called lacto-fermenting that uses just filtered water, salt and whey.
Left to right we have preserved limes, apple/raisin chutney, green beens (with garlic and peppers), chili sauce, ketchup and asparagus. I cracked open the green beans and asparagus this week. So good! A lot like pickled food. Of course I couldn't convince the boys to try it. The best part about lacto-fermenting is that instead of depleting nutrients from the food, it actually enhances them.
This week I might try kimchi...
you are stinkin amazing woman!
Posted by: nicole | 11/08/2010 at 10:57 PM