Today started off with a run to the doctor for another installation of wart freezing. Willy the wart will die. I'm not a big fan of 8am appointments. Luckily A#4 started singing around 6:30 so me getting moving wasn't too hard. Plus I had the coffee pot programmed so I just needed to stumble downstairs to a warm cup of coffee. Getting the boys up was another matter entirely. They've been sleeping in until 9am a lot recently (A#2 slept until 10am yesterday). A#3 kept trying to sneak back into bed, haha! "But the sun is not up, Mom!"
At first today I thought, "Awesome, we'll get done with school early today." Ya right. Someone doped my kids with crazy pills again and we're getting a whole lot of nuthin' done. I got through about 5 minutes of Geography when they decided to start licking each other. Not kicking, licking. Good grief! I shooed them out the door for a 30 min recess to hopefully run out the crazies.
It's now almost 3pm, 5 hrs later, and they are still crazy. Looks like we'll be doing school this evening, groan. They've been outside all day today. Beating each other with plastic bottles, digging up rocks, climbing hay bales and even picking flowers. I can't say today has been unsuccessful because I love that they are playing so well together outside. We only have a precious short time before the weather turns. We'll get the basics done this afternoon and call it a good day.
I don't think my sunflowers will ever bloom! What's the deal?
As for me, I've been having lots of fun with the camera. I'm tempted to take a photography class or maybe I'll just pick up a book at the library so I can learn more about my camera and how to take better photos (you just be quiet James, I know what you're thinking and I'm not that bad). Flickr is my favorite photo storage website, so I'll be uploading the mother load there and try to put the best ones on Facebook.
A#2 lost a tooth today!
Until tomorrow...
We love you Daddy! Have fun snorkeling! We know that's actually all you guys do over there. You're just pretending to work.
ETA: Today was definitely not a complete bust. The boys built a home for grasshoppers and researched what they needed to survive.